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Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape the research and marketing sectors, offering unprecedented opportunities while raising ethical and operational challenges. With our tool, Sugiscope, which stores and analyzes a vast knowledge base, we have identified key trends that will shape the future of these fields in 2025. Sugiscope is designed to save you valuable time while ensuring the security of your data.
In an ever-changing world, time has become one of the most precious commodities for companies. In the age of artificial intelligence, this reality is all the more crucial. Sugi is dedicated to freeing up our customers' time by offering them tailor-made solutions to harness and maximize their knowledge. We distinguish ourselves by combining powerful tools with an ethical and responsible approach, placing human well-being at the heart of our approach. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
At Printemps Des Etudes 2024, Sugi Research offered visitors a conference on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the exploitation of studies accumulated and misused by organizations. On the theme of the opportunities and challenges offered by AI in this particular use, Sugi Research was fortunate to welcome Lucile Le Goallec from Google, Julien Cloarec, professor and AI expert, and Gaëlle Cuvelier from Auchan for a spotlight and round table to explore the subject and present the SugiScope solution, developed by Sugi Research and supported by the Sugi Consortium*. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Webinaire du 28 juin 2024 par Sugi sur le bien être au travail