March 18, 2024

Creation of an 'intelligent' study library for BIC

Reliable and structured information to meet any type of search by marketing managers

Clémentine de Beaupuy

What was the problem you needed to solve?

BIC's issue was to improve access to and utilization of its numerous marketing studies accumulated since 2016. With a large database of 50 gigabytes and around 10,000 documents, the challenge lay in organizing, qualifying, and making this vast amount of information reliably and structuredly accessible for marketing managers worldwide.

Can you describe the mission with Sugi?

The mission with Sugi was to implement a multi-stage solution to radically transform the management of studies at Bic:

  • Creation of a Business/Market Taxonomy: Before using SugiScan, a proprietary taxonomy was developed to efficiently classify studies according to relevant business and market criteria.
  • Archiving and Nomenclature: With SugiScan, the archiving process reduced the volume of studies from 50 to 2 gigabytes, retaining only 400 essential studies, while establishing clear nomenclature for easy access.
  • SugiScope AI Search Engine: Specific development for BIC of an AI-based search engine with natural language query functionalities, allowing global teams to quickly find the necessary information.

What impact did this have on you, your team, and the GIS in general?

This transformation allowed BIC to significantly increase the accessibility and quality of content utilization of the studies. Marketing managers now have powerful tools to access reliable and structured knowledge, improving decision-making and internal collaboration.

Would you recommend Sugi and why?

Caroline Tommaselli, Global Market Research Manager at BIC, highlights the impact of this collaboration by stating that this tool is a "real game changer" that puts people at the heart of exchanges and improves the quality of collaboration between departments. The implementation of SugiScan at BIC represents a major advancement in marketing study management. By offering a solution that is both structured and user-friendly, Sugi has enabled BIC to capitalize on its study heritage, improve the efficiency of its marketing teams, and encourage a culture of sharing and innovation based on reliable data.